
In the context of WordPress, an archive is not a backup of your site, but rather a view or page that lists certain types of content. For example, an archive page might list all blog posts published in a certain month, or all blog posts that have been assigned to a certain category or keyword.

Here are some common examples of archives in WordPress:

  1. Date Archives: This archive lists blog posts published on a specific date. For example, you could have an archive that lists all articles published in May 2023.
  2. Category Archives: This archive lists blog posts that have been assigned to a specific category. For instance, if you have a “Recipes” category, you can create an archive that displays all of your recipes.
  3. Keyword Archive: This archive lists blog posts that have been assigned to a specific keyword. For example, if you have a keyword like “desserts,” you can create an archive that displays all your blog posts related to desserts.
  4. Author Archives: This archive lists blog posts written by a specific author. For example, if you have multiple authors on your blog, each author may have their own archive page that lists all the articles they have written.
  5. Custom content type archives: If your site uses custom content types, each content type can have its own archive page. For example, if you have a custom content type for books, you can create an archive that lists all the books.

You can typically access these archives by clicking on the appropriate links on your site, such as date, category, keyword, or author links. The appearance of these archive pages is determined by the theme of your site.

In summary, archives in WordPress are a convenient way to organize and present your content, making it easier for your visitors to navigate and discover content.

Published date : 14 June 2023
Modified date : 14 June 2023


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