HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a protocol for secure communication between clients and servers.

HTTPS is an extension of the HTTP protocol that verifies the identity of the site to which your web browser connects through an authentication certificate, known as a Secure Socket Layer Certificate or SSL Certificate. This certificate is issued by a reliable and reputable provider. The purpose of this protocol is to ensure that the user’s connection is secure and that the data transferred to the server remains confidential.

Initially used mainly for financial transactions or the transfer of private data, the HTTPS protocol saw a significant rise in popularity in 2017. This occurred when Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, two highly popular web browsers, started identifying and reporting sites that transfer data without an SSL certificate. As a result, we can now observe the presence of SSL certificates on a large number of sites that handle confidential user data, including social networks, online businesses, and even discussion forums.

For the majority of companies, it is strongly recommended to obtain an SSL certificate from a reputable provider because it allows your customers to browse your site and purchase products more securely. Additionally, Google evaluates the presence of an SSL certificate for web referencing, as a site using HTTPS is more secure than an HTTP site.

Published date : 14 June 2023
Modified date : 14 June 2023


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