
A breadcrumb is a series of links that assists the user in navigation. Originating from Greek mythology, the term refers to the thread used by the hero Theseus to find his way out of the labyrinth after defeating the Minotaur. True to its origin, the breadcrumb trail on the web enables users to determine their position within the hierarchy of content.

In an online business, it enables you to identify subcategories for a product.

For example, a user might want to buy a new keyboard from the world’s largest online store. Since the marketplace contains millions of products, it makes sense that each product belongs to a category. The user could, therefore, search for their keyboard using the search bar or navigate through sections such as:

Electronic Devices > Computers > Accessories > Keyboards and Mice.

Thus, he can return to the previous section if a product does not suit him, and the merchant has the opportunity to present similar products in the same category. This makes it easier for the user to find these products.

Published date : 14 June 2023
Modified date : 14 June 2023


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